Reasons for insufficient air pressure in air compressor


Often there will be users online consulting their own air compressor equipment in use for a period of time pressure or displacement greatly reduced, completely with the manufacturer can not match, thus unable to meet the production needs resulting in downtime and stop production, so what exactly is the problem caused by the pressure or displacement of the pressure of the air compressor pressure is insufficient for that reason? In this regard, Yilang pressure laboratory of Yang Kui engineers on the issue of the following analysis:



First, due to the epoxy factor caused by the air filter dirty plug, insufficient air intake, due to the industry production site and other problems caused by the air filter clogging is one of the most common problems. It is also one of the most common problems.

  Second, the amount of gas is greater than the air compressor exhaust volume, due to the lack of professional common sense or intentional concealment of the sales business, a lot of air compressor export pressure or displacement must be used with the end of the export pressure displacement has a certain gap, resulting in insufficient pressure exhaust is very normal, while the workshop gas equipment increased or pipeline leakage is even more common, so it is very necessary to choose a high-quality service providers and brands.

  Third, air intake failure. The problem of air intake is not fully open is also a very helpless nature of the error is also a common error, due to the installation of workers' mistakes lead to the air intake valve is not fully open will also lead to pressure exhaust problems.

  Fourth, belt slippage (belt drive) resulting in air compressor speed below normal speed (adjust the belt tension or replace the belt)

  ⑤ Pressure maintenance valve action is poor (replace the minimum pressure maintenance valve)

  (6) Pressure switch failure or pressure setting value is too low (replace the pressure switch or adjust the setting value).

  (vii) Safety valve leakage or tripping. Replacement or from the new setting of the safety valve jump pressure (note that the safety valve should be sent to the relevant departments to test before use)

  (8) oil core is seriously dirty (replace the oil core, cooling oil)

  ⑨ rotor excessive wear and tear resulting in increased internal leakage or head end cap sealing bad (contact the manufacturer)

  The above cases are more common reasons for insufficient pressure or flow.

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