Advantages of using waste heat recovery device for air compressor


  1, green energy saving

  Installation of this waste heat recovery device can be green and environmental protection, no carbon emissions, reduce sound, do not produce pollution, this device inside the hot water system completely using the air compressor waste heat to produce hot water, high power saving rate, energy saving and efficient.

  2、Intelligent and simple

  The unit's work system is from the "temporary silver technology system, it is to control the water temperature and oil temperature, there is automatic replenishment of the water supply device, a series of work completely through the process of the word, do not need a person when, saving manpower, and the installation of this heat shadow of the hot water heater unit off with a block did not count, construction is simple, more simple to do.

  3、Stable and durable

  The life of the unit is about 10 years, the system is very stable, in accordance with such a device is also equivalent to the air compressor water-cooled projects, in the free generation of hot water at the same time can also improve gas production, lower surface temperature, reduce the load on the cooling system to extend the service life of the air compressor.

  4、Safe and convenient

  The personnel of the @ collection system comes from the heat generated when the air machine line, because the generation of hot water will not be affected by the weather, you can keep the whole day goods should be, the remaining part of the recovery installed to look at the separation of water and electricity of the genus rule, the 3 academic design to ensure the safety of the air compressor system, will not be the original system of the compressor into the administration of the creation and any adverse effects, but also eliminates the electrocution of other potential safety hazards.

  Therefore, in order to compressor better use and full use, you can install a waste heat recovery device, in this case, the use of the effect will be very good.

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